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Re: xPL-CGATE Question

Hi Frank,

>     John would it be possible to create a determinator which sents out
> cbus command to use the value of  a global for the ramp level rather
than a
> fixed value then ir commands could increment / decrement the variable
> therefore ramping up  /down the cbus lighting ????? So basically have
> option of either a fixed value or using a global when creating the
> Determinator ..

Yes, just put {GLOBAL_NAME} as the ramp level (where GLOBAL_NAME is the
name of the global who's value should be used).

Suppose I have a global called CBus_Lounge that contains the value 192.
If I set the ramplevel of the C-Bus command in the determinator to
{CBUS_LOUNGE} then when the determinator fires it will substitute the ramp
level with the value currently held in CBus_Lounge.

However, this doesn't help you with the job of incrementing/decrementing
the global itself.
There are actions in the determinator wizard to increment/decrement a
global, but only by 1 each time... so that would mean 255 key presses to go
from fully on to fully off!

I guess we need to expand the increment/decrement features to allow the
user to pick how much the global should be incremented/decremented.

In the mean time, you could always write a small sub routine and call it
from a determinator.
For example, to increment a global by 10, write the following in a script:

Sub IncrementGlobal(GlobalName)
sys.value(GlobalName) = sys.value(GlobalName) + 10
End Sub

And to decrement:

Sub DecrementGlobal(GlobalName)
sys.value(GlobalName) = sys.value(GlobalName) - 10
End Sub

Just call the above routines from a determinator (using the "Run a
sub-routine" action) and pass the name of the global that you want to
increment/decrement as the parameter.

Hope that makes sense.



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