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RE: Asterisk Voicemail schema

  • Subject: RE: Asterisk Voicemail schema
  • From: andrew <andrew_nh@xxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 8 Dec 2004 07:38:58 -0800 (PST)

I have also had problem with xPL messages exceeding
the 1500 byte limit. I think it is counter to the
simple nature of xPL to invent a fragmentation scheme.
Instead I have tried to make my messages simpler so
they are under 1500 bytes. I think for the vm schema I
will limit the info to the last 10 messages. This
should keep the xPL message small

I agree that the web interface for Asterisk is clunky.
The URL embedded in the vm messages is used to
retrieve wav files directly from Asterisk. I have a
small app that runs on my desktop. It lists the
messages that are waiting and allows me to play them
locally. It gets the messages from Asterisk using

--- UKHA <ukha@xxxxxxx> wrote:

> Sorry,
> it's all my fault... I haven't been paying attention
> since I've been bogged down with so much work it
> becoming painful. Andrew and I have had a brief chat
> and for the life of me I can't remember where we
> left it - i'll sift my email again as soon as
> possible.
> I've also been working on xPL (some of the xAP team
> showed interest in a xAP version but nothing came of
> it) enabling asterisk and trying to make sure that I
> am, if at all possible, not modifying the core of
> asterisk at all - ie I've added pbx_xpl rather than
> embedding xpl code in all the apps. This means when
> you perform an upgrade you aren't cattle trucked.
> I'll also be adding commands to the dialplan so that
> you can send out xpl callerid info if you want.. eg:
> xplCALLERID - Send message containing caller id
> xplMISSEDCALL - Send a message stating that a call
> was missed.
> xplRAW - Send a user composed xpl message
> xplINUSE - Send a message showing a phone in use
> xplFREE - Send a message showing a phone is no
> longer in use
> any others you can think of let me know...
> Plus I want to add a cdr_xpl to broadcast the call
> log when a call made/received is completed - my
> concern here is the packet size. Since a cdr usually
> contains:
> it could in theory exceed the 1500 bytes quite
> easily... is there or are there any plans to allow
> message fragmentation and reassembly on remote
> devices (I know some are very low powered..)
> I am also currently redoing the dial application and
> calling it xpldial which will send out information
> when numbers/extens are dialed/answered - this can
> easily be extended to provide other information
> while in a call
> There are some subtle differences with Andrew's and
> mine implementations but as I see it they both work,
> which is the key :D
> One point I would suggest about Andrews proposed
> schema is that the voicemail url is optional, not
> everyone uses the clunky web interface for vm..
> This sort of leads me to another question... is
> anyone doing an xPL lcd/vfd device - I think
> blatting all this information out over the network
> is all well and good but without something to
> display it on it's going to have very limited
> appeal...
> anyho.. back to work
> Andy
> On 05/12/2004 at 09:52 Ian Lowe wrote:
> >I don't think anyone did, Frank - I simply didn't
> know enough about
> >asterisk to comment!
> >
> >I did, however, go and get myself some hardware to
> see asterisk in
> >action - and did a fair bit of reading up on it.
> From what I can see
> >now, I think that asterisk would be pretty amazing
> to have xpl enabled,
> >and the described vmail app would be a damn fine
> place to start.
> >
> >Ian.
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: Frank Mc Alinden
> [mailto:fmcalind@xxxxxxx]
> >Sent: 05 December 2004 09:29
> >To: ukha_xpl@xxxxxxx
> >Subject: Re: [ukha_xpl] Asterisk Voicemail schema
> >
> >
> >Hi Andrew
> >                Did anyone  get back to you on this
> ???......Im sure
> >Andy Powell would be interested in this app .....
> >
> >Frank
> >
> >

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