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Case sensitivity in source and target addresses

  • Subject: Case sensitivity in source and target addresses
  • From: Kevin Hawkins <yahoogroupskh@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 04 May 2008 11:42:42 +0100

Hi all,

The xAP v1.2 specification is not very clear regarding treatment of
upper/lower case in the source= and target= parameters.  After a bit of
discussion last year we agreed that the matching of addresses, including
wildcarding should NOT be case sensitive.   Where possible when storing
the addresses of xAP devices (eg to later target)  please try and
preserve case but when matching an incoming message using the target=
parameter it should be treated as case insensitive.

Space characters are permitted within source addresses but not at
the very beginning or end (leading/trailing space)

Cheers   Kevin


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