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Re: Strange Viewer issue

> Hmm - a little worried here - are you saying that xFx hubs are
different to
> the spec and handle this as a special case ?? Meaning that the
> usage might break other hubs as they do not have this tweak ??
Patrick's works very well with it. I think the issue came because of the
internal separation and routing of messages that xFx does that a more
simple hub needs to do ;-)

Homeseer can be using up to 65 uids each with upto 99 sub ids. It, imho,
would be mad to have to create a port for each.
It would mean for every xAP message coming into homeseer for it to be
processed 65 times as each port would receive a copy of it. This would
then end up me only listening on one port, so as to remove the waste and
as transmitting doesn't use a hub the only thing using the ports would
be heartbeats.
so in reality all that would happen is my app would send out heartbeats
with fake port numbers and make the hub work really hard for no reason.

Port is just a way around the limitations of udp, if an app wants to use
separate ports then fine, I just see no reason at all to force this
issue. The only xAP hub that I haven't tried this with is the one in
xplhal but it should be easy enough to see if it works or not.
I can see the argument that it is good to know when a port is free
because the heartbeats have stopped, but I don't see how having multiple
heartbeats on one port causes any problems for this. what ever the
duration in a heartbeat is set to is the timeout value for the hub, if
there are 10 heartbeats each saying 60 seconds then this still works.
The only occasion for problems would be if the app sent multiple
heartbeats of different timeout times, agreed this would be a problem.
But this situation is unlikely to occur within a single app which in
reality the only time the multiple heartbeat/port issue would occur.

Think that makes sense, typing and thinking together don't always work :-0


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