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RE: RS485 Network Implementation

  • Subject: RE: RS485 Network Implementation
  • From: Kevin Hawkins
  • Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 13:35:00 +0000

Hi Paul,

Sounds really good stuff - I would be really interested in trying
one of your converters - if ever you're going to any form of making them -
or I could lash one up. My xAP to C-Bus gateway has a need for RS485 and
a spare port although currently at TTL rather than RS232 levels. I was
considering putting RS485 on the next board.

Re the PIC xAP stuff - yes Patrick did do some basic stuff but as
Stuart says his site is down and his whereabouts unknown at the moment. I
thought I had a previous download of his PIC project but I looked &
I think
not - come to think of it I'm not even sure it was posted to his site -
although I know he did it. I think you will the find the 16F84 too small
your needs though.

Although I originally was approaching my embedded design with a PIC
I decided I needed a tcp/ip stack and opted for the Rabbit instead. There
are some fairly basic xAP 1.2 C routines available if you had a PIC C


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Barrett [
> Sent: 25 October 2003 18:56

> Is there any code libraries (Assembly) already written to decode xAP
> messages on the PIC (I have PIC16F84's).
> Currently I only have the MPLAB assembler

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