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Re: Re: Problems with MCxAP (moved from UKHA_D)

On Mon, 12 Sep 2005 07:37:30 -0000, "Keith Finnett"
<keith@xxxxxxx> wrote:

>I've tried a couple of things over the weekend. One of the key
>requirements of MCE is that the assembly to be installed is strongly

That isn't entirely necessary as it happens.

>so i built a test assembly and installed with
>RegisterMCEApp.exe but didn't write it to the global assembly cache
>(with gacutil.exe). The results were that the application looked
>like it was installed but did nothing.

Is that a test MCE AddIn you built? Was it meant to do anything
obvious? I could try it on my MCE machine which would be illuminating.

>Therefore, perhaps MCxAP has been installed into MCE but the gacutil
>step failed? I'll do some more checking, but this seems a likely

No, none of the xFx modules are strong named. When I was first
developing MCxAP I did set things up with that requirement in mind,
but frankly I found it a massive PITA so I removed it all again. It
isn't necessary as long as the files are in the eHome directory. They
only need to be strong named if a GAC install is required.

Stuart Booth <stuart@xxxxxxx> - a xAP software development framework for .net

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