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Re: Homeseer 2 Plugin Question

--- In xap_automation@xxxxxxx, James <james@m...> wrote:

> I have a new plugin that is better at the device creating but I trying
> to find an issue that Steve noted in it loading certain settings. 
> i can get that sorted then the new plugin will be released.

That's very cool, and I look forward to seeing it :)

> now. If you close HomeSeer and go to xAP/Settings.txt . Find the line
> that says UpdateD=<a date is here> and change the date to say
> now restart HomeSeer after a minute you will see in the log the new
> database being downloaded. Now when you create a device from the
> you will get a simple pick list.

I tried this, and it didn't appear to download anything. I tried
several times and each time it would change the date/time back to now,
but nothing in the logs.

Just to test things I deleted the old devices from Homeseer, and told
the plugin to redetect them.. I then got the Error 91 error again and
had to restart Homeseer. So I redetected the devices again and added
the in once the "New Hardware" tab appeared. This time it gave me
slightly different screen and automatically names the devices
"Temperature". So I assume it did download ?

All working so far. It usually takes about 5 minutes to stop working,
so I'll keep an eye on it :)

Many Thanks


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