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RE: Re: xAP COM port interface?

  • Subject: RE: Re: xAP COM port interface?
  • From: "Dean Smith" <ukha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 11 Oct 2005 22:11:14 +0100

Would it be possible to look at decoding the raw CLI for XAP - Either via
the Meteor or the xAPTEL connector ?

I modded a CID unit a while back and have happily been using that with
Patrick's Meteor Homeseer plugin. Although it had a few quirks with the raw
CID, I'd scripted around them and was getting reliable CID into Homeseer.

I'm now looking at moving over to HS 2.0 and have taken a fresh look at
bits in my setup. I've been playing with XAP and HS2, and would ideally
to use one of the XAP connectors - rather than Homeseer - for CID. I've
tried the meteor connector (from the installer on but no joy. It
doesn't seem to acknowledge any data from the unit.

Strangely I installed the Homeseer meteor plugin I had been using on my old
HS1.x setup onto my HS2 test box and although it appears to initialise
(devices created, no log errors etc) I dont get any input at all. I do get
couple of serial breaks reported on the first call after HS starts (this
"normal" on HS 1.x for me) but no data, and nothing at all on
calls. Hyperterm shows the data being generated though on all calls.


-----Original Message-----
From: xap_automation@xxxxxxx
Behalf Of Patrick Lidstone
(Personal e-mail)
Sent: 07 September 2005 15:18
To: xap_automation@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [xap_automation] Re: xAP COM port interface?

>There's a hack on the web to add a serial interface to a similar
>CD50 unit which, I believe, also works with this more compact unit.
>A kind chap on the HS forum will experiment with this to verify it
>can be done. Because CLI also contains data of "message
>1575 service it may be possible to use that to create household
>alerts to waiting messages.

The format used by the meteor is virtually identical to the native
wireformat that the callerid data is delivered in down the phoneline.
I'd be willing to make a small bet that my xAP meteor connector will
work just fine with a modded caller id box, and if it doesn't, then
any changes required will be trivial.


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