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Re: xAP Switchboard Beta 1 released

The best way forward here is to make Switchboard multi line capable.
Most of it is already, and it does currently have different queues for
incoming and outgoing calls. The database logs the source address of
each call, and from the settings file you can give each different source
a different icon, so really it's only the xAP routines to update,
shouldn't be too hard.


Kevin Hawkins wrote:

> Hi Paul,
> I have replied on list as I think your question is probably useful to
> all...
> >>> Paul Gale wrote:
>>>> Can xAPTel support several Meteor devices? I have two here
> There's always one with an unusual setup isn't there ;-) - actually
> that makes two of us......
> xAPTel will support two serial devices but this is intended for one
> CID device and one dialler (eg a spare modem). It will also support a
> Pegasus unit using one serial port as both a CID device and dialler.
> You can't connect two CID devices to one xAPTel. However there's good
> news and not so good news....first the good, you can just run two
> instances of xAPTel - you would have to install xAPTel twice to
> different directories such that the settings files were not in
> conflict and set each xAP UID and source address to be different -
> each identifying the line name or number, lastly manualy add a second
> shortcut to the xAP menu. Haven't tried this but it should work - let
> me know if it doesn't.
> The not so good news currently for multi line operation is that xAP
> Switchboard does not separate the call progress information so you
> will get interleaved data logged. This won't be a problem if the calls
> don't overlap but will whenever both lines are in use at the same
> time, in fact I am sure it will cause considerable confusion to xAP
> Switchboard. For it to work as I suspect you would 'hope' then you
> would need multiline support in xAP Switchboard. One for later
> releases I expect. It perhaps would be possible (with a small
> modification) to run two xAP Switchboards on different machines and
> tie each to a specific Caller ID unit. James.. can I target your app
> to achieve this or perhaps you could add a source filter ? One other
> issue is that when you dial back a caller from the xAPSwitchboard web
> pages it will probably dial out on both (all) lines currently as well
> it just issues a wildcarded dial command, again a xAPTel
> source/target filter could help here. BTW it will also apply dtmf
> tones on the line regardless of any call already in progress.
> NB for everyone. .. One thing we have noted .. if you use xAPTel and
> xAP Switchboard together on the same machine then make sure you
> disable the balloon call progress indicator in xAPTel as it interacts
> with the same feature in xAPSwitchboard, and xAPSwitchboard has richer
> detail to display anyway.
> Kevin
> Paul Gale wrote:
>> Just got it working with tts and desktop etc – remarkably easy to
setup J
>> Where can I find the xAP Speech schema – I want to set the volume
>> Paul.
>> *From:* James [mailto:james@xxxxxxx]
>> *Sent:* 01 March 2005 09:45
>> *To:* xap_automation@xxxxxxx
>> *Subject:* [xap_automation] xAP Switchboard Beta 1 released
>> xAP Switchboard is designed to monitor, log, lookup and dial
>> telephone numbers and calls.
>> It's features include:
>> Logging of all calls, both incoming and outgoing with all details
>> such as ring count and duration
>> Sending alerts, which are very customisable, to display devices on
>> incoming calls
>> Sending lookup information over xAP, including STD info.
>> If available the lookup info will include a url to an image of the
>> contact and this is served by the internal webserver (good for xAP
>> Desktop popups)
>> RSS feeds for incoming calls only, outgoing call only, all calls
>> Web interface for the logs.
>> Web interface for the contact database, with full editing. Each
>> contact screen also shows the call history for that contact
>> Searches of all logs and contacts
>> Dial any contact by clicking on the number in the web interface
>> When used with the Outlook plugin you get: (available very soon)
>> Sync the Switchboard database with any number of Outlooks
>> Incoming and outgoing calls that are matched to an Outlook contact
>> will cause that contact to popup in Outlook. When the contact pops
>> a record of the call is added to the notes. When the call ends the
>> duration is also added to the contacts notes.
>> If you browse to a contact in the Switchboard which came from
>> outlook, an button is available to pop that record up in outlook
>>>From Switchboard you can instruct Outlook to re-sync all its
>> For Switchboard to log calls you need to have a xAP connected
>> id device. Switchboard supports all the current cid schemas.
>> requires a xAP connected modem that responds to the cid.meteor
>> schema, xAPTel from UKUSA is ideal here. (xAPTel is downloadable
>> Switchboard is also my first app to support the xAP Intranet
>> xAP Intranet apps all function totally independently however when
>> more that one app exists on the network all the web interfaces
>> up forming a single system. The advantage of this is that there is
>> single point of failure also you simply add new applications as
>> required and all other apps link automatically.
>> Download as usual from <>
>> Enjoy
>> James
>> xAP Intranet Enabled
>> <>
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