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Re: Re: [OT] iPad query...

  While mooching around, I just came across this:

Now, I generally have a lot of time for Lindy, I'm struggling to see how
this is going to work. Still, it's a tenner; might be worth a shot.


On 11/03/2011 10:53, domdevitto wrote:
> (Technically the USB2 is 500mA per port, not over the whole hub - I
have a hub with a 2A transformer)
> Completely agree/understand - but I was suggesting that for a powered
hub, the power often comes in via a 240vdc transformer, dropping the hub's
input to 12v (and maybe 5v too, but this can be done via a single parallel
resistor, IIRC) - so basically I was hoping that if the *input* current to
the hub was increased, that may be - as you suggest - directly wired to the
output ports.
> In short, try plugging a pwered hub into a 10W ipad charger and see if
that gives you extra juice per port, in the hope that the 12/5v lines are
just linked across from the wall-plug.
> THis would save all th faffing about and breaking out wires from USB
cables :-)
> Dom


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