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Re: Re: Plex 9 Video

 > In name only! :-) Its a separate tool used outside of the core
Plex tool....

That's the point though! :)  The massive effort has been taking the
library separate and centralised, whilst making it simple for anyone
to set-up in a few minutes and maintain for the whole house without
interrupting anyone's watching.

> I never got the "hard to set up" bit

Neither did I. But many others did.  Just read back at the threads on here.

> The problem was (and I can't see it being any different in P9) the
accuracy of data on  the web.

There are fundamental differences between XBMC's old fashioned
'scraping' and the new multi-stage process carried out by
Alexandria......more about this later.

> but should fess up that I am an ex-user of Plex,

Ah, the bitter ex-smoker type, it all becomes clear :)

>  having gone back to XBMC which IMHO is more reliable, performs better

Not in my experience.  Plex is now using Apples APIs for hardware
accelerated GPU HD playback.  Although I never had an issue on Blu-ray
rips without this (modern core 2 duo mini and wired gigabit Ethernet).

Other little touches like theme music as you enter your TV show
folders add to Plex too.  The way music is handled on P9 is fab as

> and runs on a platform I understand!

Ah, bitter anti-Mac type too :)

> I very much like the idea of the common library in P9 - that sounds
very cool.
> But its achievable in XBMC (as it was in Plex 8), albeit less

Yes, as you say a basic central library is doable on XBMC, but SQL
stuff etc hardly ready for prime-time.  And even with it implemented
you still have the basic library, nothing like as sweet or
sophisticated as P9

But hey, different strokes and all that.  I agree the price
differential is a major minus point for Plex.  It needs a cheaper
hardware platform.  And because of this I use a mix of Plex/XBMC on
NetTops, XBoxes and Macs.   Plex is still my fav though, and its the
one that runs on the main AV System.



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