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Re: Skype

I use freecall, cheaper and more straight forward than Skype pricing
tear.  For about 10 euros a quarter you get max of 300 minutes per
week of free calls, measured over the last 7 days and per unique IP
address.  If you go over the 300 minutes a week, regular rates apply
(very cheap by the way)
Basically you have 1200 minutes for 3.40 euros a month.
I have at home a Linksys PAP2T SIP-ATA adaptor for regular
telephone calls, you can use if you prefer a computer using their
windows base software (or if you are mac, the web site) and for my
cellular phone the voip Fring application.  They provide a call in
phone number for your region to dial out from a cell phone if you
cannot run VoIP in your mobile.
Overall, very satisfied with the service.  The only dawn side, they
have a limited array of phone number for incoming calls, so I use an
IPKall number forwarded to a Grandcentral number (for USA)

Juan . ///

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


  • References:
    • Skype
      • From: darren_karp2001
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