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Re: Finally a HiDef Replacement for XBMC?

There's always going to be an OS of some kind - the hardware has just
gotten too complicated to start from scratch every time and write all
the necessary device drivers - especially when that job has been done
already for an OS

In any case, a lot of "appliances" these days have standard PC
inside.  Buy a DVD recorder for example, and it will most likely be
running a form of Linux.

As for porting xbmc, a Windows version would be simple - the XDK and
DirectX are very similar (in fact, didn't xbmc start out as a Windows
project?)  Porting to other OSs would be more work, but perfectly possible.


Richard wrote:

> Yeah, that's all compiled in by the XDK which is why finding binaries
> XBMC is never as easy as one would like.
> I don't know what it would take to have it compile the exact same
> except capable of booting on a standard intel CPU, but doing so would
> it more appliance like then having an OS under it which needs its own
> maintenance ontop of what you need to do with XBMC.
> From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>
> [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>]
> Behalf Of
> Sam Partington
> Sent: Saturday, February 09, 2008 3:03 AM
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx <>
> Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Finally a HiDef Replacement for XBMC?
> I'm not particularly up on xbmc, but I would have thought that xbmc is
> running atop of the xbox os, which is a very cut down version of win32
> (loosley based on 2k I think).
> This may be a fairly small OS, but it would be a seriously big step
> for the developers to remove this bottom layer completely. There's a
> lot more hardware abstraction that goes on in your typical OS than
> just the CPU, I'd guess the graphics and sound would be the least of
> their worries.
> Sam
> On 08/02/2008, Richard <rich_lists@xxxxxxx
> <>
> <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I would rather see it running natively on the hardware rather
then as an
> > application ontop of an operating system. It does that on the
> hardware
> > which is an intel CPU, so all they would have to do is get it
> booting xbmc
> > and provide a way to format the drive in a way that's compatible
> xbmc.
> > - Sure, there will be graphics chipset issues too but that's all
> solvable
> > since the apple hardware has an intel cpu just like the xbox.
> >
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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