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Re: Re: Remember that amazing multi-touch display?

hmm ... 'didn't say it, but will do now ...

must say, my first thought was that Apple must be about to launch
something interesting ...


On 30 May 2007, at 23:02, Ian Lowe wrote:

> --- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, Chris Hunter <cjhunter@...> wrote:
>> hmmm ...
>> I suspect the MS announcement is a diversionary tactic ...
>> Chris
> Spoken like a true Mac phile. Seriously, Microsoft could be giving
> away free tenners and you guys would find a fault...
> Rather than seeing it as a dig at Apple's joke phone, why not put the
> Microsoft loathing to one side and see this for what it is - a truly
> awesome bit of kit that has thousands of potential uses, and could
> form an absolutely incredible interface for a home media centre.
> Remember that this multitouch interface was doing the rounds on
> youtube as a research demonstration less than 18 months ago - this is
> a really fast time to market.

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