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Re: [OT] Conspiracy theory anyone?

'hope not, having just bought a copy of 'XP Pro to run our HA
24/7 ... assuming it works once installed, when I've the courage to
do it, maybe I should avoid all updates ?

'have to say, 'XP at work forces me to restart really rather
often ... laptop & company network ... 'always assumed it was because
it was behind the times ... eg: SP2 was installed only the other day ...


On 29 May 2007, at 16:28, Tim Fletcher Dot Com wrote:

> I'm not one for conspiracy theories myself (I believe Apollo went
> to the moon, Lee Harvey Oswald killed JFK etc) but I am sure XP is
> getting flakier since the launch of Vista - My system used to be
> pretty solid, now I have to reboot pretty often. Anyone else
> noticed anything.
> Tim.
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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