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Re: Re: Five years ago, on this list, a prophecy was made.....

'agree ... out & about, I've never had anything useful from WiFi ...
'always end-up going via G3 ...


On 25 May 2007, at 15:52, Ian Lowe wrote:

> I remember that!
> I do a lot fo work in schools at the moment, and they are all rolling
> Wifi out like there's no tomorrow - and I still hate the damn things.
> Less because of any real concern for health, but rather becaue they
> are
> still universally crud.
> Wireless networks, or (my personal favourite) "Wireless
NOTworks" are
> the bane of my life. unreliable, unstable, prone to interference from
> the wind moving or looking at them funny...
> The 802.11n garbage being the biggest joke of them all - essentially
> admitting that the only way to get decent performance is to consume
> two
> whole non-overlapping channels to yourself, and hope that nobody
> nearby
> wants to use one themselves...
> heh.
> blast from the past though - I like that: cheers Mark!

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