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RE: Nokia N95 or.....

Just an observation...

If I bought an item that had major features not working, battery life below
the specification and crashed (every crash is "major", as it
stops the unit
working to specification), I'd be screaming trades description and
my money back. Did this with the first PDA I got (from Dell, a bag of
took them about a month to accept they had sold rubbish and refund.

Why do we put up with buying products which are so obviously faulty, then
accept days/weeks/months of feature non-use whilst waiting for software
updates to fix problems that should have been sorted during product

There seems to be an acceptance with IT products that things will go wrong.
OK, bugs are a by-product of software development (I should know, I'm a
systems developer by profession!) but most should be ironed during product
testing. We seem to be all too ready to accept bigger problems as
when they shouldn't exist.

I would never buy a Smartphone (Symbian or Windows) for the very reasons
outlined by Mark - the risk of the thing crashing, which is likely to
without me knowing and not being able to receive calls. I can see why
would want an all-in-one unit, pity they don't live up to the hype!


I'll stick to my trusty 6310i and Bluetooth-connected PDA!


-----Original Message-----
From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: 25 May 2007 13:41
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: [ukha_d] Nokia N95 or.....

On Fri, 25 May 2007, Mark Golledge wrote:
> Has anyone tried the N95? I see are doing a 18 month=20
> contract (850 minutes to any network any time and 300 texts) for=20
> =A320.00 per month and free phone -=20

Yes, got mine a couple of weeks ago from O2 (Online) upgrades.

Haven't got the GPS to work at all yet, it never picks up a signal.=20
Waiting for O2 to provide Nokia with their firmware update so I can update
via the Nokia Software Updater (apparently this should fix it). There is
option of changing the product code and debranding but I don't want to
invalidate the warranty. The O2 sales package comes with a 1GB MicroSD card
with UK maps preloaded.

VOIP works well. I think Vodafone and Orange remove it from their firmware
though. Battery life is pretty poor by all accounts, however spare
are pretty cheap. Made sure I got extra chargers for the car and work, too

I've had one or two crashes but nothing major.

Other than that, I really like it.


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