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Re: Five years ago, on this list, a prophecy was made.....

  • Subject: Re: Five years ago, on this list, a prophecy was made.....
  • From: "Paul Bendall" <paul@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 12:17:47 -0000

Whether global warming is / will occur is just one element of the
argument. We are going to run out of oil, we produce huge amounts of
waste unnecessarily, we produce a lot more CO2 now than we did 200
years ago. We use materials that are non-renewable.

My perspective on this is if you take everything into consideration it
seems to make sense to reduce emissions, use renewable energy, reduce,
re-use, recycle. But it doesn't mean going back to live in caves.

Lost most things in life a spectrum of "green" exists from pale
to dark green and I aim for the middle, maybe traffic light green.

However, it is interesting to read behind the hype and newspaper
headlines to see what the argument is really about and overcome general
ignorance. Like when people get upset about radiation except with live
with background radiation all our lives, some places like Cornwall
quite high leveles. All electrical items radiate as EMF but do we worry?

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Phil Harris" <phil@...> wrote:
> *cough*
> /me whispers "The Great Global Warming Swindle"...
> Not saying it isn't as biased one way as the Global Warming nutters
are the
> other but it does make for an interesting way to wind up the tree
> Still have it on my MCE machine. :-D
> Phil

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