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RE: Five years ago, on this list, a prophecy was made.....

In some ways it's sad to be proved correct and, in others, it was
much an inevitability in this case.

Like many other areas of science, climatology being one hotbed at the
moment, you don't get grants if you don't produce results and those results
have to have meaning and give bangs per buck. To me many of these
are merely upgrades on the "End of the world is nigh" sandwich
board bearers
of yesteryear, it has almost become a new religion.

You have to ask yourself why anyone would pay tens of thousands, if not
millions, to investigate something that might or might not ever happen.
What's the agenda, why invest into that given that at best you will get a
"well, maybe, if".

On climate change the scientific community has had a field day recently
governments and corporations trying to prove or disprove climate change.

I could go on about many of these things for hours but, basically, a lot of
it is absolute hokum designed to prey on what I consider to be unfounded


From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Sent: 25 May 2007 10:00
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Five years ago, on this list, a prophecy was made.....

On Tuesday, 26th March, 2002, Ian Lowe wrote:

"With one last word: Watch this space. I guarantee a Wireless
related health scare, complete with thousands of victims, within ten

Later that day, Kenneth Watt replied:

"Nothing more certain I would say given the givens so far..."

I don't know whether anyone saw Panorama on Monday, but here's a quote
from the web piece about the programme:

"Britain is in the grip of a Wi-Fi revolution with offices, homes and
classrooms going wireless - but there is concern the technology could
carry health risks."

More at:

Well done Ian / Ken...

Mark, on UKHA since 1997

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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