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Powerline Networking Issues

Hi all,

I wonder if anyone can help shed some light on a problem I am having
with some powerline networking kit I have installed. Basically I have a
variety of Devolo and Solwise 85Mbps socket adaptors. In the main it
works very well but in some rooms I get problems whereby I get say
40Mbps reported and then every minute or so it will drop out or more
commonly just go to 1Mbps. The timing varies and sometimes it spends
most of the time at 1Mbps and other times it may go 10 or 20 minutes
between 1Mbps periods. It's getting very annoying because my SlingPlayer
is at one end and it doesn't half mess up the streaming.

I have tried swapping out the kit the at either end with no effect and
my office maintains a good connection with other rooms, just the lounge
drops out as described above. I'm at a bit of a loss to think of
anything else to investigate. I do have some X.10 stuff normally plugged
but removing it doesn't make any difference to the behaviour, and it's
on a different ring anyway.

Any and all suggestions welcome!


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