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RE: One more try !

  • Subject: RE: One more try !
  • From: "Rob Mouser" <groups@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 24 May 2007 11:13:50 +0100

Hi Marc

I have no idea if this helps but I know those fuji's were popular with the
Orinoco Silver cards. If it does what u want u are welcome to it as its sat
ina box. I'm sure someone here can answer if that card helps.


(Via mobile)

-----Original Message-----
From: "Marc R. Fuller" <groups@xxxxxxx>
To: "ukha_d@xxxxxxx" <ukha_d@xxxxxxx>
Sent: 24/05/07 10:44
Subject: [ukha_d] One more try !

Hey Guys,

OK, my ongoing battle with the Fuji Point 510 is at a head. I've got the
new OS on and almost everything is working fine. There is one big
problem though that I cannot seem to get round.

The Wifi card that I have does not support WPA. I can get it working
fine with WEP but that's no good to me :\  I've tried updating the
drivers and firmware. I've also tried the free WPA utility from McAfee
(as Win98 doesn't natively support WPA). I've had a good look around but
I can't find any PCMCIA cards that are both 16 bit AND support WPA. The
PCMCIA card I have is an ENTERASYS Networks "Roamabout".

So before I give up and put it on ebay, does anyone here have any ideas
on getting this thing to use WPA ?  It would be a shame to sell it as
it's a pretty neat little device, but if I can't get WPA working then
it's pointless.

Any help appreciated.


Marc.... feeling like he's been beaten :D

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