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Re: Heating controller protocol

Hi Bruce

Look at the Very Simple Control Protocol, VSCP (
Would handle this perfectly and still allows for other modules to.
Next version will have the scheduler installed and in February there
will be a drag and drop UI creator and UI a'la You can even
use xAP with it if you want.

Beware that I'm a bit biased as I am one of the maintainers.... ;-)


On Dec 3, 2007 10:32 PM, bruce33sw <watson2@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi all,
>  I've recently installed some very nice Heatmiser kit - 2 room
>  thermostats and a UH1 and, with some kindly help from this and other
>  groups, managed to cobble together a bit of command line C to control
>  them remotely over their 485 bus from a linux box serial port. Nice
>  be able to log in remotely and turn on/off the heating. Early days
>  so far, so good.
>  The next stage is to get a control interface sorted out and before I
>  re-invent the wheel, as usual, I thought I'd ask if anyone knows of
>  open source protocol/server that I could implement the interface to
>  for the Heatmisers. What I mean here is I could write some code (say
>  or java) that ran as a service that would control the Heatmisers and
>  allow other open third party UI modules (written by others or
>  I have seen some excellent stuff going on with xpl but it seems to
>  have more of a windows focus and therefore may not fit the bill for
>  Does anyone know of such an open protocol/API?
>  Cheers, Bruce.
>  P.S. Has anyone contacted Heatmiser before to see if they would
>  support open source tools for their devices (in the hope it
>  sells more units for them)? i.e. I'd like to open source the (very
>  simple) stuff I've done. I should say my reason for buying their
>  controllers and UH1 in the first place was because there was a chance
>  I could control them remotely.

Ake Hedman (YAP - Yet Another Programmer)
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