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Re: Is X10 still the way to go?

Mal -

Yep - you're right ... 'bought a fair bit of kit, seen how well it's
made, will soon start to install it ... did my homework quite
thoroughly, compared several systems, and the detailed evidence of
David's (and now Paul's, and Jon's, too) installation & experience,
plus the level of support that comes from the guys at Idratek, was &
is really quite convincing ... very cost-effective, very well thought-
out ... well worth considering !


On 27 Aug 2007, at 23:52, Mal Lansell wrote:

> Not trying to be funny here, but are you actually living day-by-day
> with
> an Idratek installation?  From your posts I gather that you're
> building
> Idratek it into a new build, but unless you're actually living with
> it,
> I don't think you should be recommending it so wholeheartedly.  Please
> feel free to shoot me down if that's not the case.
> Chris Hunter wrote:
>> 'have a look at Idratek ... very cost-effective, very well
>> out ...
>> Chris
>> On 27 Aug 2007, at 14:58, dermot_bradley wrote:
>>> Hi folks
>>> Looking to automate just a few electrical items here (wall
>>> powered lamps, a few appliances, and some room lights).
>>> I want to use some technology with a PC interface
>>> (serial/USB/ethernet) that includes querying sensors.
>>> Is X10 still a good way to go (probably using the HK
"enhanced" X10
>>> kit) or is anything else like Zwave, EIB, etc cost effective
>>> this?

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