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RE: Watchdog software?

I've typically done this with some bespoke code before, as the
symptoms of
the crash tend to vary between applications.

Many apps will put up some kind of dialog box that reports an error. A
watchdog can monitor such dialog boxes and kill the app.

My weather station software used to just hang. I detected that by
a log file that it creates for changes. If no changes are made within a
specific period of time, the watchdog assumes it's crashed and restarts it.

What are the symptoms of this app crashing?


-----Original Message-----
From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Paul Gale
Sent: 27 April 2007 17:18
To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
Subject: [ukha_d] Watchdog software?

Anyone aware of software that allows you to monitor any other piece of
software i.e. a watchdog?

I had an HA app crash the other day which provides important charting for
fish tank - went for several days without noticing it'd crashed :-(

Would be excellent to be able to monitor several bits of s/w and get some
kind of alert if they stopped responding :-)


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