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RE: Windows XP BSOD

Most importantly - what did he do to break it?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf
> Of Steve Morgan
> Sent: 07 April 2007 22:34
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: RE: [ukha_d] Windows XP BSOD
> Iastor.sys refers to the onboard Intel RAID controller.
> Absolutely no idea if it will help, but it might give you some clues
> where
> to look.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: ukha_d@xxxxxxx [mailto:ukha_d@xxxxxxx] On Behalf
> Of
> Tim Hawes
> Sent: 07 April 2007 18:50
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [ukha_d] Windows XP BSOD
> I'm after a bit of help as my Dad has turned his PC into a doorstop.
> He's called the manufacturer but the call centre operators can't help
> (they either don't seem to want to listen to his problem and/or think
> they know what it is and "solve" something else).
> It's a Dell Dimension 9150 with XP Pro, bought about October last
> It started with a stop error on
> the names file "iastor.sys" - the error is well described
> windows-xp-
> blue-screen-error-stop-code-0x000000d1/
> Searching the Dell forums gave these instructions to fix it:
> Dell KB Document Number: 311881
> docum
> This Intel driver download link was contained in those instructions:
> But after downloading the 16MB file and trying to run it, it gave a
> "your system does not meet the minimum requirements error"
> stopped.
> Typing the asset tag into the tech support section of the Dell site
> yielded a few more "urgent" downloads, including an Intel
> update, but this again gave the "your system does not meet the
> requirements error" and stopped.
> He's read some other web forums and they had suggested running chkdsk.
> He ran it first in "report-only" mode and it gave no
results, then in
> "check and fix" mode and the computer is now stuck in an
endless loop
> where it won't boot up. It sticks in chkdsk at "8% Stage 4 -
> File Data". He's left it overnight and it never budges from this
> point.
> I'd thought we might get to a command prompt and maybe run fdisk to
> re-select the primary partition, but (a) I don't know if that'll work,
> and (b) we can't get to a command prompt...
> Can anyone advise what his next step might be? He has re-installation
> disks but would rather not re-install from scratch, even though he's
> got all his data backed-up.
> Thanks guys,
> Tim.

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