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Re: Weather monitoring

 >>4" in a day being not unheard of ...

Any chance of sending some over to rain starved Guildford ;-)


Chris Hunter wrote:

>Thanks to all for replies on this ... 'thought the Lacrosse 1/100th
>tipper mechanism interesting, but can't help wondering how it would
>with some of the rain we get ... stair-rods / 4" in a day being
>unheard of ...
>Mon, 27 Feb 2006 11:01:58 -0000
>Keith Finnett wrote:
>Good point - I actually ordered my station via these people, and have
to say
>the service was excellent. No affiliation, but tops marks!!
>Here's a photo of mine installed -
>Mon, 27 Feb 2006 10:39:20 -0000
>Andy Bone wrote:
>As an aside, the kit that Keith linked to is also available from a Uk
>I have not used these people nor do I have anyhing to do with them, but
>I know that I
>prefer to deal with UK companies for mail order. (rightly or wrongly)
>Sat, 25 Feb 2006 10:40:21 -0000
>John Nye wrote:
>I have an Oregon WMR928N bought new from an ebay seller in Germany (at
>half UK price). Has been working fine for last 8 months.
>Its wireless (battery back up but each unit has a solar cell) and
>wind speed/direction, rainfall, temperature and humidity (inside and
>and I feed it into Weather Display (free version).
>Originally wanted to monitor rainfall to control irrigation system
(must get
>on with that before the Spring!) via Homevision but I just find it
>interesting to see how much rain we really do get here in Wales!!
>Sat, 25 Feb 2006 10:29:37 -0000
>Craig wrote:
>Also check , you
may find there is a local
>station available in the UK already doing this, you can just 'tap into'
>Sat, 25 Feb 2006 09:59:27 -0000
>Dean Barrett wrote:
>>I use Weather Display connected to a Lacross Weather Station - does
>>job, and outputs to Xap and Xpl i believe.
>>Mines here :-
>Sat, 25 Feb 2006 09:47:50 -0000
>Keith Finnett wrote:
>I use a 1-wire weather station
which connects to a PC
>running Weather Display (
which in
>turn outputs xAP messages and has both a client/server and a web front
>If you want to see my web front end, go to -
>it's not fully configured, but you'll get the idea!
>It's a really very complete solution, and has cost me (so far!)
£60ish for
>the basic weather station (temperature, wind speed, wind direction)
>£50ish for the software (server and web). You can buy a variety of
>additional sensors (barometer, rainfall, the list is extensive...)
which all
>connect to the 1-wire network.
>Sat, 25 Feb 2006 09:23:49 +0000
> 'wondered if there was a favourite affordable way of measuring the
>weather ... automatically, day after day ... rainfall, temperature,
>maybe humidity & wind, etc.   Stand-alone, with occassional
>to computer / network - RS232, maybe X10, USB or ...
>[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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