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Re: Re: [OT] website DoS attack - help!

  • Subject: Re: Re: [OT] website DoS attack - help!
  • From: Mark Hindess <ukha@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 06:59:22 +0000

On 19 February 2006 at 21:33, Andy Davies <dajdavies@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> kinchyuk wrote:
> >
> > Yep I have asked.. they've replied that as its a clustered system
> > can't provide logs - but I should use their own stats tool. Which
> > doesn't show anything :)
> Sounds kinda bogus to me - having a clustered system should prevent
> from supplying you with server logs (what's their stats tool supposed
> use, if they don't keep the data?)

This is pathetic.  Even the logs from just *one* of the servers in the
cluster would likely be sufficient to figure out what is going on - and
if the logs contain referer (and most would) information then you'd have
considerably more chance of figuring it out.  What possible excuse could
they have for failing to provide this information?

No doubt it's not what you want to hear, but I'd certainly agree with
what others have suggested; I think the pain of moving provider is going
to be less than the pain of sticking with this one.


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