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RE: Re: [OT] bonding multiple ADSL lines?

  • Subject: RE: Re: [OT] bonding multiple ADSL lines?
  • From: "Ian Lowe" <ianlowe@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 11:50:57 -0000

A word of caution also...

If you have great SNR ratio on your existing ADSL, you should be okay. If
you don't, however, running in multiple ADSL connections might be a bad

We are at the fringes of good signal - I had an SNR of about 20, we
installed a second ADSL line (for reasons other than performance actually -
the second one was meant as a replacement).

The SNR on the new ADSL was only 13/4, precluding 2Mb service, but when
line went live the SNR on the first one dropped to around 15/6. It seems
that crosstalk between ADSL lines becomes an issue when you have long runs
in parallel (and they don't come more parallel than all the way from the
exchange to your house)

I'd be very wary of running 4 ADSL lines into a buiding unless you had a
really solid signal to start with... Especially as BT can be such a bunch
buggers about these things. If it did degrade your performance, you'd
probably be stuck with it!

I'm not an expert on these things, so take this with a pinch of salt.


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