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RE: Virtualisation of HA servers

  • Subject: RE: Virtualisation of HA servers
  • From: "Andy Laurence" <andy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Feb 2006 17:05:39 -0000

patrick_o_matic <mailto:patrick@xxxxxxx> wrote:
> Anyone using multiple (different) OS's concurrently under
> virtualisation software (Virtual PC, VMWare) to run their HA software.
> Obviously I will be limited in terms of what I can connect to
> the machine due to having a limited number of ports, but I
> rather like the concept of one virtual machine for each key
> piece of software from a maintenance perspective. I was
> thinking along the lines of one VM for asterisk, one for
> zoneminder, one for say Homeseer 2 and so on... on a fast
> machine with oodles of RAM.

I'm just building my machines for use in a virtual environment.  I'm
just going to have one HA machine though.  The other virtual machines
will be a domain controller/exchange server, and a Citrix server for
remote access to web interfaces/email/whatever.  I'm using VMWare GSX on
a low spec (PIII 733MHz) laptop to try and contain power usage.  I'm not
worried about connectivity, as I plan to only implement items that can
be xpl/xAP-enabled, and hence I can contact them via the laptop's
ethernet interface.


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