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Need a PC for HA ...

  • Subject: Need a PC for HA ...
  • From: Chris Hunter <cjhunter@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 14 Feb 2006 22:34:11 +0000

We've 'Macs, but 'looks like I'm going to have to get a PC to run Cortex
linked to an Idranet ... any suggestions, please, for which one of the
many to go for ... needs to be reliable, for continuous operation ...
and be able to connect in some way with our 'Mac network ... maybe I
should wait for the 'Mini to go Intel, and load it with Windows ?
'wonder if it's possible / practical to run both Windows & Tiger on the
same machine, simultaneously ... OSX being based on Unix, and Unix
having pre-emptive multi-tasking capabilities, maybe it would be
possible ... ???


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