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Re: VOIP softphone vs Hardphone

  • Subject: Re: VOIP softphone vs Hardphone
  • From: "patrick_o_matic" <patrick@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sat, 11 Feb 2006 14:19:17 -0000

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "noel_pilot" <HA@...> wrote:
> Hey all,
> Quick one for you, im trying to get more into using my sipgate line
> which I use xlite on my ibook.  I find it pretty unreliable, often not
> often able to make calls, often it drops calls, patchy quality etc
> If I invest in a proper voip phone or adapter Sipura etc will this
> make it better?! is it the softphone software (which appears pretty
> pants) thats flaky or is it my connection!?  (Im on 4mb telewest which
> is due to go up to 10meg)

Hardphones (or ATA adapters) are infintely better than softphones IME
-  mainly because they have far more capable echo cancellation, and
the handset/audio electronics is optimised for telephone use.


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