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File - UKHA_D Guidelines

UKHA_D Guidelines
Version 1.1
June 2004
(Updated Dec ’04)

The UK Home Automation Discussion (UKHA_D) Mailing list was formed in
September 1998.  These are some guidelines for the group.

We pride ourselves on having one of the friendliest, most helpful
communities around. You won't get abuse for asking a "newbie"
question and flaming isn't tolerated here.  In fact we ENCOURAGE newbie
questions.  It’s great to hear other peoples ideas and to find out about
their setups.  Answers are always changing as the technology moves ahead
too.  So please ask away!

The list has become known as a mine of useful information and questions on
many diverse subjects have been successfully answered over the years. 
However, please keep off topic posts to a sensible level and remember to
try Google first!  A small thread of replies to OT messages will be 
permitted.  However if the replies get too long then please move them off
list.  All off  topic posts should use the following syntax in the subject
line so they can be easily  filtered by those that don’t want to read them
– “[OT] Subject of Message”

Adverts are permitted on the list.  Companies and individuals can post a
maximum of one message per month.  It should be noted that UKHA_D or
Automated Home are not connected in any way with offers made by companies
or individuals.  All adverts should use the following syntax in the subject
line so they can be easily filtered by those that don’t want to read them –
“[ADVERT] Subject of Message”.

If you need to post a message containing a long URL please shorten it first
with or equivalent.

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