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RE: Is anyone else having this problem?

>-----Original Message-----
>From: LeeUKHA [mailto:mailinglists@xxxxxxx]
>3) Actually sticks to the rules...

Well, some of them...

Despite it supposedly being a complete rewrite/redesign firefox seems to
have inherited mozilla's absolutley atrocious CSS support. One specific
example: the 'overflow:auto' style is borked within table cells, meaning
devs have to use a nasty hack to render correctly in firefox, whilst IE6
implements it properly. (of course, IE6 fails to implement exactly the same
style in a different set of circumstances!)

I'm generally a fan (especially with the fast page load hack Mark H
suggested recently), but it has enough bugs and irritations that I still
IE on a daily basis for the things that firefox can't do (or do well).

What I'd really love is a browser that just works, and actually adheres to
the various standards, whilst still being forgiving enough to cope with the
output of dodgy webmasters!


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