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RE: Is anyone else having this problem?

>----Original Message-----
>From: Frank Mc Alinden [mailto:fmcalind@xxxxxxx]
> Excuse my ignorance but whats fire fox ????

Some hookey new Religion, by the sounds of things.

Of course, these guys *might* be talking about the firefox web browser, but
that's not what it sounds like when you have to wipe the froth and spit
your face ever time you accidnetally mention that you use Internet


PS> I actually use Firefox for my general browsing - I like the tabs and
really fast page loading, but I still use IE for anything involving PDFs,
quicktime, streaming media, any kind of page with complex tables or css2
inside tables, that sort of thing. As with all open source hysteria, the
best course of action is to recognise the strengths and weaknesses of each
product and use the best tool for each job at hand.

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