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Re[2]: [OT] Recovering Data from HD

I don't suppose it will work with a modern drive, but the older ones
sometimes failed to spin up, and the cure was to flick the drive in your
hand about the axis of rotation. This moved the platters on their bearing
by inertia and they would often spin up immediately afterwards.


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On 19/01/2005 at 11:15 Ho Yin Ng wrote:

>Oh eeeekkk ...
>It is definitely a complete HD failure it won't spin up ..
>It is a Hitachi drive but is named the same as the dreaded IBM
>"Travelstar??" drives. IT seems like it is just a Hitachi
rebrand of an
>It is clicking whirling etc .. bascially the needle on the platter
>like it is stuck or dead.
>However the laptop is in warranty, but if I get the data removed from
>HD if it can be done .. does this mean I void the warranty?? As I
>they will have to open the HD?
>Oh and if anyone wants info and pics on how to remove the HD From a
>Vaio VGN let me know and I will post them up .. I finally worked it out
>Ho yin
>At 11:04 19/01/2005, you wrote:
>>On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 10:31:49 +0000, Ho Yin Ng
>> >
>> > I was wondering what equipment do people at data recovery
centres use
>> > recover data from dead hard disks?
>> >
>> > Is it something I can purchase and do at home?
>> >
>>It depends a lot on the cause of death.
>>If its purely software, ie formatted / boot sector problems then
>>may be able to do it at home.
>>My father in law had a disk fail last year, with critical,
>>up information on it, and it was a more fundamental problem - the
>>drive wouldn't spin up at all.
>>In that case the specialist company will replace the controller
>>(assuming they can get a similar one), and hope the drive will work
>>the next level is to do a platter transplant into another drive,
>>definitely not a DIY job (unless your pretty confident)
>>The specialist companies tend to keep a stock of drives for these
>>types of occasion.
>>In our case, they couldnt find an equivalent drive, and so we
>>to recover any data.
>>Hope that helps a little
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