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Re: [OT] Mac Mini Take Up

  • Subject: Re: [OT] Mac Mini Take Up
  • From: "Jeremy Aston" <jeremyaston@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2005 05:31:59 -0000

> It's not the kit I object to - I just don't want the beard and
sandals to go
> with it ;)

Dunno about beard and sandles - contemporary urban chic, a loft
apartment, a job in creative noo media and a new style mini I would say!

> > I doubt that anyone would want (or be able to) become a total
> > mac convert but the options are interesting and I'm always up
> > for something new!
> Indeed.  I WILL take a look, but I fear I will be persuaded and I
want to
> hold off a few weeks till I get a job ;)

Seriously though I have become a complete Mac convert since getting my
G4 Powerbook around 9 months ago.  The interface is great, attention
to detail superb and as an open source devotee it makes a great
development machine.  I only use a Windows machine workwise for
ASP.NET development cos I can't be bothered to get Mono running.  Even
where I need to get into Visual Source Safe at one of my customers I
do that through Virtual PC.

As a PC convert I would say do not hesitate - you will not regret it!

As far as browsers go I rarely use IE on the Mac.  Firefox is superb -
no problems at all so far and I have moved to that as my default
browser over Safari.  Don't forget Opera as well.

I do think that there are some implications for HA enthusiasts and
custom installers in going Mac.  Not all of the home control servers
such as Harmony will run on a non windows platform.  Many consumer
orientated products that interface with a PC will be well supported by
the manufacturer on Windows but not at all or only by committed
volunteers on Linux or Mac.  Take for example Pronto configuration -
best done on a PC.  There are ways of doing it with a Mac but they
ain't straightforward.

Having said that there are more and more options coming along every
week.  I think that if the style and size of the Mac Mini translate in
to sales success then that could be the catalyst for more commercial
support of the Mac by HA companies.  In terms of styling there are
some neat Micro ATX possiblities and there is a very nice Vaio media
PC, which do give you the possibility of running Windows or Linux but
there is something about the build quality and style of a Mac!

Maybe there should be an offshoot of this group for Mac HA users ;-)



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