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RE: Re: iPod Shuffle / ITunes

> IMHO the first-named is ad-hoc rubbish written by monkeys who've seen
something that
> looked pretty & tried to copy it ... most things on the former
involve a
distracting fight, and
> become very long- winded ... sorry !

Now come on Chris - don't sit on the fence here man. If you don't like MS,
come out and say it!

Of course, you have a point - in most of these cases, the choice about
system to use is a very easy one to make - and that choice is best informed
by the experience of trying things for yourself. Implied in that, of
is that "my OS is better than your OS" arguments are pretty
pointless, as
all we can do at the end of the day is share personal experiences.

I always get nervous when I see such strong opinions not only about a
product, but about the company that produced it - Microsoft's devs are just
as well skilled as those working for Apple, they are simply driven by
different management processes and priorities, and I just don't see any
technical superiority in Apple as against MS, as against Sun, and so on.

Personally, I wouldn't touch the Steve Jobs Combo Platter with a forty foot
pole, but that's the sum of my current experience, nothing more. If you go
back to 1995, I expressed the opinion that VMS was the greatest OS ever
written, and Unix was junk in comparison... See how well that one turned
out. ;)

I hope that I'm just as capable of changing my opinions in the next ten


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