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Re: Kitchen PC & Processing power

From: "Andy Laurence" <andy@xxxxxxx>
> From: Simon McCaughey [mailto:simonmcc@xxxxxxx]
> > I have installed a "proof of concept" PC in the
kitchen, using a nice
12" TFT and an old K6-2-500 PC running WinXP.
> What are you using for input?  Are you using a keyboard/mouse?

Yes, I had hoped to use a touchscreen, but due to cost I tried it without,
and to be honest, I've been *very* pleased with the form - small screen,
small footprint, small wired keyboard, wired mouse, and a little area of
worktop (where the microwave used to be - its in the utility by order of

This is why its only the main box I want to change

> > It is *almost* silent, and SWMBO has given a big thumbs up to
online banking, weather, internet radio, and
> > kiddy pics screen saver - so all is great on that front!
> Silence from that machine is pretty good going.  It's not like you can
remove the processor fan (without a BIG heatsink).

currently Im using a MicroATX power supply, and have the CPU fan and PSU
in series, so 6V accross each = 1/2 speed = almost silent :)

> > I want to upgrade the machine (or buy a new one) The current
strains playing mp3s, and don't even ask it do
> > decode video - I want to know what processor people are using for
type applications - what is the minimum I could
> > get away with?
> Err, what?  Struggling to play MP3s?  Are you sure?  I'd get down to
troubleshooting.  I've used a P200 for a home radio station in the past,
played MP3s on a P75 laptop.  I've also had DivX playing happily on a PII
333, although I'd not recommend it!  If you want to play DivX video, I'd go
for something around the PIII 800 mark as it'll easily cope with playing
DivX, and you should be able to dissipate the heat quite well to keep noise
down.  If you're looking at MPEG2 instead, I'd say what you're using is
pretty much ideal, although IIRC, the Pentium chips around that speed are
slightly more efficient (and therefore easier to silence).

well, what Ive noticed is using winamp to listen to 128kb internet radio
runs the processor at about 60-80%, running some flash sites is slow

> > I'm thinking either go ITX, with one of the epia boards, or else
form factor PIII
> ITX is another good option, but I'd expect a reduction in processing
with the C3 800.

I like your PIII suggestion, and I'd prefer to steer towards intel if

Thanks for all your advice

> Cheers,
> Andy
> --
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