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Re: Xbox Media Center - 05-10-2004

Ooo, while we're on the subject, does divx/xvoid fast-forward and
rewind work for anyone?

I've been through about 10 versions of XBMP and XBMC each time hoping
against hope that FFW/RW will approximately match my expectations, and
whilst they've each implemented this functionality in excitingly new
and bizzarely useless ways, they share the common factor of all being
entirely useless.

For example, FFW in the last XBMC I have looks great while it's
fast-forwarding, but when you stop it transports you backwards to some
random point in the file.

Now, this is just about acceptable for the likes of SG-A where the
credits mostly feature a rather agreeable alien chick, but Enterprise
xvids will shortly be available: and as you all know public or private
airings of the Enterprise theme music are expressly forbidden by
international human rights laws.

So, it'd be quite handy to have a solution before that becomes a
problem, and I have to risk a lifetime's gibbering insanity thanks to
whichever caterwauling country and western charlatan is responsible
for the dirge in question.

Hmm, my simple question seems to have gone all ranty. ;)



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