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--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Ian Lowe" <ian@w...> wrote:
> ... I helped build a datacentre for Deutsche Bank, and
> we spent a ridiculous amount of money on fault tolerant
> equipment - each time you do, all you do is push things back
> to the next most likely failure mode...

Ahhh, Deutsche Bank....  Several years ago I was in network ops
there, and was just sauntering back from getting lunch when I walked
into this enormous storm... head of IT, head of unix, other big wigs
all standing in network control telling everyone who was within
earshot (which given that our enclosed are was only enclosed to a
height of seven foot, meant quite a large area of the floor was
within earshot) how crap the network was, and how our crappy network
had caused the failure of _seven_ IBM HA systems (all business
critical, across two data centres fifty miles apart) that are
supposedly invincible...

Three minutes troubleshooting later it turned out that someone (a
unix person - yay) had turned a nameserver off in Germany which they
thought no-one used anymore....  When they set this stuff up there
were (of course) multiple nameservers, so this fault couldnt happen,
but as time passes, things change, and suddenly the world ends.

Though I have to admit, it was pleasent showing all the bigwigs the
door with their tails firmly between their legs :-)

Happy days :-)

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