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[OT] Broadband is on it's way in the Scottish borders

I've just received confirmation that the broadband installation team will
visiting w/c 15 March to install my 512MB radio broadband link - I live in
the Scottish borders and this service will be shortly available to a number
of small towns bringing broadband to rural areas. Scotland OnLine will be
ISP for the service and at =A340 installed and =A329/month it seems pretty
reasonable. I cannot wait to get rid of my ISDN kit!

Anyway the reason for the mail is to ask if anyone can point me in the
direction of a suitable 4-port switch/wireless access point to connect it
to. Should I buy individual components or look for an all-in-one product? I
don't exactly know what equipment is provided for the radio link apart from
it being a single small box with Ethernet connection, vague enough to be
just about anything I suppose.

So, any recommendations would be greatly received.

Neil B.

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