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Re: MAC Fans Only - some advice please

Steve Abbott wrote:
> I want a Mac for general stuff - MS Office, surfing, and some video
editing via firewire, Must have OSX (it looks cool).  I've been looking on
Ebay and seem to be able to get loads of different spec'd machines. 
Considering I'm used to a Pentium 4 3.0Ghz, what would be a fairly
equivalent Mac G4?
> I also want to plug it into my Dell 2001FP instead of having another
screen on my desk.

It's not very scientific - you could try and use sites like - but I'd
suggest at a minimum something like a
G5-1.8 with 1Gb RAM and a decent video card would get you similar
performance (for the tasks you've listed).

(Incidentally, as some some like Paul Gale will tell you, video-editing
is a huge spectrum of activity - requiring anything from the simplest
CPU to the most powerful CPU/RAM/GPU combinations).

If you can stretch to £1500 you can get a shiney, new dual G5-1.8.

You'll be able to use your Dell monitor - the videocards are standard,
with the usual DVI output.

Oh, and at the risk of being shot down with flame-throwers, OSX is doesn't just look it ;-)


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