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Re: Newbie X10 question

On Wed, 21 Jan 2004 09:42:54 -0000, you wrote:

>I have just purchased my first X10 products (CM12 computer interface,
>LM12 lamp modules and LM15EB lamp bayonet module) to control some
>lights around the house. Using the Activehome software I have the
>LM12s successfully installed and working on timed events but I am
>having trouble with the LM15EB. The Activehome s/w has only the US
>X10 device icons in it for setting up units. I have successfully set
>the LM15EB to code A2 (not quite sure how!!) and using Activehome I
>can manually switch the light on and off. However I cannot get the
>light to come on with a timed event. I have tried to set up the
>LM15EB with the US icon for a screw in (ES) lamp module, but that has
>a dim function, and a lamp module icon (which also has a dim
>function) but as the LM15EB does not have a dim function is this why
>I cannot get it to react to the on command in a timed event?

Good morning. I have read the other replies telling you to use other
software, but I don't think they are that helpful! I have used Active
Home for a few months. I agree with the others that it doesn't have
the features and the versatility of some of the other software but
it's good enough to begin with. For what it is worth, I will probably
upgrade to Home Seer soon. In the meantime I think there is much you
can do with Active Home.

This is all from memory, so it might not be 100% accurate, but some
time ago I had problems with Active Home. I think it was as you
describe: clicking the icons in Active Home switched the light on or
off but the timer did not work. I am guessing that you have used the
cd that came in the CM12 box? Li at (worth a visit) told me
that the software is not year-2000 compliant, so any scheduling for
after 31/12/1999 won't work. You can download a new year-2000
complaint version from the manufactureer of x10:

The marmitek site loads in German and you'll have to click for the
English pages. I can't remember exactly where it is; look for a
downloads section or support. I think the current version is 142E. I
think the E stands for either English or European. Even so, the
pictures that you get when you click on the icons are for US or
certainly non-UK modules but don't worry about that, I imagine that
although each looks different on the outside by the type of socket on
it, inside the elctronics are the same. So don't worry about bayonet
versus screw light fittings.

To change the module number, click on the part of the icon that says
A2 and you will be able to change it to whatever you want, just like
clicking a file name in exploer to rename it.

>Another problem I have found is in experimenting with the macros in
>Activehome. I have successfully set up a macro to turn a lamp on and
>then after a delay to dim it to 30% but the macro does not seem to
>recognise the switch off command to be executed 2 hours later. Any
>ideas why this might be? I know I can get the lamp to switch on at
>30% and then turn off later by using a timed event but I would like
>to be able to get the macro function to do the same thing so I can do
>more complicated things in the future. I have stored the macro in the
>CM12 as a "fast" macro by the way.

I am bit confused about the dimming. You seem to say it does not have
a dim function but then you say you dim it to 30%. Fast macros allow
you to store the macro in the CM12 so that you can use them even when
the computer is switched off, for example using an x10 remote to
trigger the macro. Standard macros are stored on the computer, so you
would need the computer switched on to use it.

It's hard to tell what is wrong with your macro, perhaps you should
email it to someone to look at? I think you need to set the macro say
to M1. Then in the macro screen, drag your lamp module A2 to M1 and
set A2 to 30% There will be an on/off switch on the A2 icon; set that
to on. Then drag another copy of A2 to M1. On this second A2 set the
time delay you want and set that little switch to off. To test it, I
would set the time to just one minut so you don't have to wait long to
see what happens. If it works change it to 2 hours.

Hope that helps!

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