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Whole house audio control

  • To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
  • Subject: Whole house audio control
  • From: "kw1816" <kw1816@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 13 Jan 2004 17:15:54 -0000
  • Mailing-list: list; contact ukha_d-owner@xxxxxxx
  • Reply-to: ukha_d@xxxxxxx

Time to ask for some helpful advice I think :-)

I've been planning/building a whole house audio system for our next=20
house (move imminent). I know that as soon as we move then money=20
will be swallowed up by nice-to-haves like kitchens and things so I=20
want to get as much of the gear as possible now.

I already have a 'mock up' running that consists of the following:

Win 2000 PC running J Rivers Media Centre, all my CD's ripped to MP3=20
and a=20
Psion Wavefinder USB DAB thingy. At the moment the output is=20
connected to an old receiver and a pair of bookshelf speakers for=20

I've also `created' a couple of touchscreen PC controllers out of a=20
cheap touchscreen add on linked to a laptop in a custom case with=20
the screen `flipped' so it's like a tablet PC =96 Don't ask why =96 I=20
had a spare laptop or two !

These run the excellent Mainloby/Music lobby, giving me full control=20
over the MP3's and also the DAB radio (which appears as any other=20
track would).
So I have the source control sorted, one touchscreen upstairs and=20
one down - what I need is control over the volume etc in each room.=20
I'm not too bothered about multi source but I would like individual=20
control in each room.  The wall controllers must have a very high=20
WAF, in this case backlighting, soft touch buttons, twinkly lights=20
score highly.

I've looked at the QED and Linn stuff and have been less than=20
impressed, not with the products, but with the cost.

Casting a quick search over the pond it seems there are a number of=20
systems which are much better value =96 particularly at the moment=20
with the exchange rate, even taking into account shipping, duty and=20

I'm looking for any suggestions, or comments from anyone using=20
something like the Russound, Niles or Xantach systems, or=20
suggestions for UK sourced solutions.


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