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Re: Tivo's idea of good viewing!

Stuart Billinghurst wrote:

> Tivo seems to think that swimbo and I should get fit and have a baby..
> Humm.. It's recording programs about weight loss and giving birth, not
> sure why as we havent selected these topics and the programs it
> have 3xthumbs down of some occasions, is it possable to edit tivos
> database of good and bad to make it think more along home building
> rather than family building??

You can reset all thumbs data from one of the reset menus. Can't
remember which navigation path exactly, but you can certainly delete all
thumbs and then re-teach it.

Otherwise, you could look into the upcoming suggestions (either TivoWeb
or the handset back door to show them in todo list - that still requires
a back door doesn't it?) and manually thumb them down.


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