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RE: MS13 PIR detection through glass?

On a related topic, I've had a PIR mounted externally in exactly this way
for a couple of years now... It is in fact an internal PIR model, but my
porch ceiling is very sheltered and it is completely impervious to wind
rain etc...

However, I've noticed of late that the sensitivity of the PIR has tailed
drastically.... to the point that I can walk back & forth underneath it
numerous times without being "seen"...  Sometimes I've stood
underneath it
waiving like a madman without it trigerring!

Do these things "wear out"? - anything I can do to revive it?


Paul G.

>From: "White, Peter" <peter.white@xxxxxxx>
>Reply-To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: RE: [ukha_d] MS13 PIR detection through glass?
>Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2004 22:59:21 -0000
>Can you not mount it outside? Mine is, on the ceiling of the porch
>down.  It gets relatively few false detections, whereas mounting it
>outward would cause all sorts of triggers, but them my front door is
>about 5mtrs from the pavement, so having sensor effectively facing
>was the only workable solution for me.  A more sophisticated (i.e.
>expensive) solution would be to mount a webcam or similar covering the
>door, with movement detection software.   The camera solution would
>certainly work better for aliens, as it's not dependant on the target
>-----Original Message-----
>From: neil_goldsmith [mailto:ngoldsmi@xxxxxxx]
>Sent: 23 February 2004 21:40
>To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
>Subject: [ukha_d] MS13 PIR detection through glass?
>I would like to detect visitors (or alians) at the front door using
>an MS13 through the front door glass .... but .... it would seem that
>the IR that is needed to trigger the PIR is blocked by the glass
>(regular not 'K' or similar) .... any thoughts or suggestions?
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