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Re: Bathroom LCD

--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Mal Lansell" <mlansell@f...> wrote:
> I posted a message on uk.d-i-y about how to provide a safe
> 12v or 24v supply in a bathroom for a TFT panel display, and
> the response made me a bit concerned about a panel's
> suitability in a humid environment.
> Anyone got any experience of using these in a bathroom (or
> knows if a 12v or 24v supply is allowed by the regs?)

Dont know much about LCDs in bathrooms, but do know a bit about the

Bathrooms (and other wet areas) are divided into "zones",
on how wet and well connected you are.  In the bath or shower where
you want to use your LCD telly is Zone 1, and has the most stringent
regulatory approach.

Your equipment here should be SELV (Safety Extra Low Voltage).  SELV
means more than running on 12 volts or whatever, the isolating
devices from the mains must comply with a BS3535  and all the stuff
in the wiring regs.

Once you've got that sorted, you then need to ensure that your
communications wiring (eg coax carrying composite video) also has
adequate isolation in case the (for example) VCR insulation fails.

Tricky stuff, but not impossible.

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