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Re: newbie question - digital jukebox from vinyl rec ordings

Spotted on the cover disc of this month's (well, that is April 2004
issue) free version of LP Ripper 4.1.  Seems to allow you to record
each side of the LP as a single WAV file and then split it into a
file per track. MP3 encoding then can also be done if (it says) you
have a command line encoder.

Never used it but thought it might be useful!



--- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "Young, Jeff" <Jeff.Young@D...>
> Can I ask if you used a particularly good sound card to capture the
sound ?
> I'm thinking of digitising all my LPs and tapes and I was wondering
if it's
> worth upgrading my sound card first.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: egelbeertje [mailto:r_d_k@h...]
> Sent: 13 February 2004 08:44
> To: ukha_d@xxxxxxx
> Subject: [ukha_d] Re: newbie question - digital jukebox from vinyl
> recordings
> Hi Andrew,
> the most annoying will be the conversion from vinyl to digital. I
> a few myself over the years (connect a turntable to a preamp and
> tape or line out to your pc's line in - then capture the sound
> the vinyl is playing - I usually do that with Soundforge - but it
> to happen real-time - basically meaning you have to sit next to it
> just in case the needle skips - then you decide to do track by
> or 1 album side at a time and split up tracks later - whatever
> best. This way you create some .wav files (you can still edit them -

> with Soundforge for ex. to take out pops and cracks) which you can
> then easily convert to mp3 (so far I did this with Audiocatalyst
> set to 160 or 192kb sample rate)
> The last stage in this process for me was to normalise the mp3's so
> that when my jukebox plays them they all have more or less the same
> volume (I use MP3gain for normalising and winamp to play for that)
> On the other side, Kazaa, BitTorrent and WinMX have provided a
> means to get the mp3's I wanted originally from vinyl ;-)- these
> needed some normalising.
> hope this helps you.
> rgds Rob.
> --- In ukha_d@xxxxxxx, "andyb505" <andrew@b...> wrote:
> > Any help appreciated folks:
> >
> > I have a large number of 7" vinyl singles (500+) and LPs
> > I would like to convert into a "digital jukebox". By
this I
> > mean I
> > would like to record the records as MP3 (or some other digital
> > format) onto some form of storage device (big PC, MP3 server etc)
> > which I can then link to some form of distribution system to play
> > around the house.
> >
> > Being new to all this digital technology I do not know where to
> start
> > looking for advice/guidance on how to approach this (I have
> at
> > some of the home automation web sites to get some ideas, but so
> > have not found one that can get me started sensibly).
> >
> > My first step would I imagine to identify how to convert and
> > the music and to be able to play them back in one place.
> Distributing
> > the sound around the rest of the house would wait until later.
> >
> > From what I have read I am assuming that a PC based control
> of
> > some form would be required. Apart from this it seems that there
> are
> > a number of options for storage of the music (dedicated digital
> music
> > storage such as Imerge, MP3 servers, PC based storage, etc.)
> >
> > I am not a complete techniphobe and can cope with PCs, even a bit
> of
> > home networking would not be beyond me, but I am not
> > minded so I am not looking to build my own system, but would not
> > averse to trying to put together a PC based solution.
> >
> > Hope the above makes sense and I would be grateful for any advice
> on
> > where to start looking for advice/help.
> >
> > Andrew
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