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Re: RF 433MHz temperature/weather sensor receiver for the PC.

  • Subject: Re: RF 433MHz temperature/weather sensor receiver for the PC.
  • From: "Simon Allen" <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Fri, 30 Apr 2004 11:44:59 -0000

> Also sounds like you've made the device very versatile - and I,
for one,
> would be interested. Keep us informed !

I will :)

I wonder if I could encourage people with an interest to email me?

Initially at least the number available will be quite small with
batches of perhaps ten at a time, so if people register a positive
interest by email, I'll put them at the top of the list.

(By "registering an interest", I mean simply that - no commitment
buy, but I'd like to get a rough idea of the level of interest).

Email : simon@xxxxxxx

The plan is to send out some of the first units to a few people (who
are already allocated I'm afraid). Some of those will provide
feedback, some will be helping with adding new sensor types (by
sending back the dump data) and so on.

I've had three receivers working here for the last month like a
charm on two temperature sensors. I'll be ordering other types of
sensor as we go along. Once my 'beta' testers are also happy, I'll
have a batch produced.

Hopefully, I'll get chance soon to put together a proper website
with a mini-forum for firmware discussion/development/announcements
and other intricate details which are probably best kept off the
main HA forum.

Your feedback and views will be most welcome.

Regards, Simon.

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