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RF 433MHz temperature/weather sensor receiver for the PC.

  • Subject: RF 433MHz temperature/weather sensor receiver for the PC.
  • From: "simonicemans" <simon@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 22:18:35 -0000

Hello group :)

I decoded the Oregon Scientific RF wireless protocol (the on-air
protocol, not the on-wire) about a year ago and since then I've had
a number of requests for a simple unit to receive the data and
squirt it to the PC over the serial port.

I'm in the final stages of putting together that unit.

I've put a couple of pictures up on of what the
initial units look like if anyone is interested.

The target price for the unit on it's own is going to be in the 50
to 60 pounds region (including vat).  All that is needed in addition
is a suitable antenna (connection via BNC fitting), a PSU (9-12V @ <
100mA) and a 9 way serial cable (just TxD, RxD and GND used) to the
PC.  The data will be converted from the on-air binary protocol into
a nice user friendly text based format (so it could be used with
Linux too for example).

Here's an example of how the output currently looks (subject to

0.08:02:23.26 P1 U=3 T=+20.1 C=OK B=OK
0.08:02:27.39 P1 U=3 T=+20.1 C=OK B=OK
0.08:02:36.03 P2 U=1 T=+20.9 C=OK B=OK  2%
0.08:02:36.22 P2 U=1 T=+20.9 C=OK B=OK  0%
0.08:02:54.26 P1 U=3 T=+20.1 C=OK B=OK
0.08:02:58.61 P1 U=3 T=+20.1 C=OK B=OK
(Time stamp since boot, P1=Protocol type 1, U=Unit ID, T=Temperature
deg C, C=message check ok or bad, B=battery status of sender ok or

The firmware is field upgradable, meaning that we can add protocols
as we go along. Currently supported are the the THR128 temperature
sensor and the THC268 temperature sensor.

Some of you may know that these two sensors use two mutually
incompatible protocols. Well, my unit decodes them both - right
now :)

Hardware-wise, the unit is somewhat versatile and there's no reason
not to add other protocols - for example x10 RF (433Mhz of course)
for keyfobs and such.  It'll depend on demand.

If anyone's interested please drop me an email to :-


Regards, Simon.

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